I got this Award from a wonderful blogger and Sugar Creek Hollow DT member, Sharon. Sharon is an amazing artist and I am so honored that she chose to pass the award on to me. Thank you so much Sharon.
So I have to share 8 things about myself that you probably do not know, so here it goes...
1. I was born and raised in Southern California.
2. I accepted Jesus as my Lord and savior in 1981, a couple months after graduating from high school.
3. I have been married to my wonderful husband for 21 years, and we have two teenagers, a boy and a girl.
4. I was a character in the Disneyland Christmas Parade 2 different years while I was in high school.
5. When I was young, I wanted to be an actress.
6. I studied music education in college (emphasis on vocal music). I stll love to sing.
7. I chose a career in medical transcription because I wanted to work from home so I could be home with my kids.
8. I love to color my images while we are camping.
So I have to pass this award on to 8 people:
The rules for receiving this award are:
Thank and link back to the person who sent this to you.
Share 8 things about yourself
Pass this award on to 8 bloggers
Contact those bloggers and tell them you sent them this award.