Thursday, January 7, 2010

Tilda With Flowers

Today's card is not for an official challenge, but a little challenge I gave myself.

I love the look of distressed ink coloring, but do not have distress ink (yet - I will soon). I wanted to see what I could do with my Copics. So, here it is....

Stamps: Tilda With Flowers (Magnolia)
Paper: Basic Grey Sultry
Ink: Memento, Copics
Embellishments: Sizzix Scribbles Swirles, Primas, Brad (Basic Grey Bittersweet)

So, did the coloring effect work?

Have I mentioned I love flowers. Here is a closeup of the flower.

Have a great day!

Julie Glasgow
Durango, CO


KymKreates said...

I think it looks gorgeous. Your colors are fab!!!!

Stampin Mindy said...

Lovely card. I love this Tilda she's adorable! Wonderful choice of flowers and papers!

Tamara said...

Great work! the colouring works really well with the paper choices.

Christine Riley said...

What a sweet card! Love your coloring and those flowers are the perfect touch!
Hugs, Christine :)

Barb Hardeman said...

Fabulously adorable Julie. You did a great job coloring with your Copics. I have tried the distress inks a couple of times, but I always fall back on my Copics. The flourish is wonderful and really makes the card elegant. Wonderful work...hugs...Barb

Jacque said...

Julie you did a marvelous job on the distressed look...gosh you are so talented!!! I just think that Tilda is so precious...and the details you have added are lovely!! Wonderful card...Big hugs..Jacque

Blog Master E said...

So pretty, I really like the colors and your embellishments are great!

Nancy said...

Julie, I don't have Copics or distress inks but I think she is wonderful. I love the flower too. Great card.

charlene said...

very nicely done ! I like the distress ink coloring as well just not sure I could do it very well ! Love your flower too !

Patricia Garcia said...

Beautiful card, love the prety colors. I love flowers myself too and sometimes when I don't put them on a card I feel like it looks plain!


Nancy said...

Love your card Julie! Pretty papers and Tilda is colored perfectly. Love the flower beautiful details!

LINDA W. said...

Your card is great,love the flourish that you added to your card.
Linda W.

Eulanda said...

This card is so sweet and I love your spashy swirl!!

Candy said...

Great challenge for yourself! Think you did a great job. Beautiful card with your very pretty embellishments!!
Hugs, Candy

Suzanne J Dean said...

She's lovely--such pretty papers and embellies with this beautifully colored Tilda! Fabulous!


Anonymous said...

Your coloring effect worked out perfectly.

Christine said...

Beautifully coloured!! Looks wonderful, very much like distress inks :)

Diana Crick said...

She's absolutely darling!!!
hugs, Diana